The Dreamer

Words and music by Christopher Kent

There was a person who dreamed of sailing
Alone around the world
People told her that she was crazy
“It’s too dangerous, and you’re just a girl”
But she saw the whole thing in her mind
And set her plan in motion
And before you know it, she was out there alone,
Sailing across the ocean
People asked her, “Aren’t you afraid? The journey could be so tough.”
And she replied,
“If your dreams don’t scare you, they’re not big enough”

As a child, I wanted to save the world;
Big dreams, there’s no denying
I thought if I tried, I could find every answer
And I’ve never stopped trying
The problems we face as the human race are huge
And our failures are hard to forget;
But I never assume problems can’t be solved
Just because we haven’t solved them yet
Saving the world is a scary goal,
But the future is calling our bluff
It’s saying:
If your dreams don’t scare you, they’re not big enough

Some people never spread their wings
They dream of flying, but fear they might fall
But trying and failing is better by far
Than knowing that you never tried at all

So if you have a dream of the future
But it seems out of reach
And you find yourself standing by the ocean,
Afraid to leave the beach
Well, to be the person you’re meant to be
You have to leave your comfort zone
The future ahead will be what you make it
And you’re not on this trip alone
So spread your wings, the future is yours—
Take a chance and strut your stuff
And remember, if your dreams don’t scare you,
They’re not big enough
That’s right: If your dreams don’t scare you
They’re not big enough

Copyright 2023 by Christopher Kent. All rights reserved.