How to Disagree

(Words and music by Christopher Kent)

You know I love you, darlin’,
And I know you love me too
But sometimes we don’t see eye to eye;
You get mad at me, I get mad at you
But even when we’re angry,
When we throw up our hands and shout
We understand the storm will pass
We know our love will always win out
And we know

No two people ever sail through life in perfect harmony
So if you want a happy ending
You’d better figure out how to disagree
How to disagree

Now this thing called love’s not easy,
It takes a lot of work
Some days we’re thrilled to be together
Other days we think we’re going berserk
But when we’re angry, we don’t hide it
We know it’s safe to speak our mind
‘Cause we know honesty’s a part of love
We’re not about to leave behind
And we know

No two people ever sail through life in perfect harmony
So if you want a happy ending
You’d better figure out how to disagree
How to disagree

Words we say in anger, we do not take to heart
We never seek to blame, or try to tear our love apart
And once our anger’s run its course we both apologize
Because we’re grateful for this love we’ve got
And we realize that

No two people ever sail through life in perfect harmony
So if you want a happy ending
You’d better figure out how to disagree 

Copyright 2015 by Christopher Kent. All rights reserved.