Do Something You Love

Words and music by Christopher Kent

My friend Allen owns a bicycle repair shop
He thinks a bicycle’s a beautiful machine
His parents wanted him to be a doctor
Get rich and marry a homecoming queen
But he’s happy just fixing those bikes
He takes pride in the good work he does
Dropped out of med school with a straight A average
If you ask him why, he’ll tell you it’s because
You’ve got to

Do something you love with your life
Do something you love
It’s never too late, so start right now
And do something you love

My friend Lucy, she’s a freelance writer
She has a way with words, she’ll make you laugh and make you cry
Sometimes the money comes in, sometimes it doesn’t
But she loves what she’s doing and she always gets by
People say that she’s lucky to be so happy
They don’t see it’s a choice she made
They complain about their lives and their jobs
But Lucy knows that’s not how the game should be played
She says

Do something you love with your life
Do something you love
It’s never too late, so start right now
And do something you love

Now, I may never make a million dollars
Or be the hero who hits the grand slam
But I’m not waiting to be happy someday
I’ll take my satisfaction right where I am
I see so many people justifying,
Doing things they don’t love to do
I’m going to listen to those words of wisdom:
“To thine own self be true”

I’m gonna do something I love with my life
Do something I love
It’s never too late, I’m going to start right now
And do something I love

Copyright 2000 by Christopher Kent. All rights reserved.