Ballad of the Bodacious Bugs

by Christopher Kent

The Earth’s a wondrous place with lots of quite amazing features;
Among them is the fact we’re here with lots of other creatures
They come in every size and shape, they swim, they fly, they crawl—
But insects are among the most amazing of them all!

They say there are 10 kinds of insects—oops—make that a million
Of course, they’re hard to count, so there might really be a billion
There’s aphids, moths and dragonflies, and if your eyes are focused
There’s leafhoppers and walkingsticks, cicadas, gnats and locusts
Some folks stomp or swat ‘em, but there’s not much future in it
Cause if you do, another one will be along in a minute
Besides, some bugs are perfect on those warm summer nights
When crickets sing their summer songs and fireflies flash their lights

So let’s hear it for insects, both the big ones and the small!
They’re in the dirt, they’re in the air, they’re climbing up the wall!
The beetles and mosquitoes, all the roaches, ants and bees
They’re part of the circle of life—like you and me

All insects have segmented bodies; many have a mandible
So if a big bug freaks you out, well, that’s understandable
They also have antennae, and fancy compound eyes
Which makes it pretty doggone hard to take them by surprise
Some bugs are hard and shiny, others have a lot of hairs
It’s a very extraordinary state of affairs
And instead of growing steadily, like humans, birds or porpoises
Insects grow by changing shape—they grow by metamorphosis!

So let’s hear it for insects, both the big ones and the small!
They’re in the dirt, they’re in the air, they’re climbing up the wall!
The grasshoppers and silverfish, the pests that eat the trees
They’re part of the circle of life—like you and me

Some indoor bugs will run and hide when you turn on the light
Some outdoors bugs don’t have to run, they hide in plain sight
They may look like a stick or leaf, or the eyes of an owl
Some don’t fear getting eaten, just because they taste so foul
Some insects live up in the trees, some hang out in the grass
Some have big wings with bright designs that look like stained glass
Some insects have a bunch of legs, but some have just a couple
Some bugs have exoskeletons, while others are quite supple
Some like to flutter through the air, while others like to buzz
Ants spend their time just doing all those things an ant does
Some insects live in colonies, while others live alone
Some insects find their partners using smelly pheromones
Some insects do stuff as a group, while others take their chances
Bees share the news of where there’s food by dancing special dances
Some bugs are quiet as a mouse, some make a loud sound
Some insects fly 3,000 miles, they really get around!

So let’s hear it for insects, both the big ones and the small!
They’re in the dirt, they’re in the air, they’re climbing up the wall!
The butterflies and katydids, the spittlebugs and fleas
They’re part of the circle of life—like you and me!

Now it’s true some bugs aren’t friendly, there’s no plan that they can’t louse up
They’ll eat your food or sting you, or chew the wood that holds your house up
Some insects spread disease or eat our plants and cost us money
But others pollinate our crops and make us silk and honey
Sometimes you can’t live with them or without them, c’est la vie
They do their thing, for good or bad, that’s how it’s meant to be

So let’s hear it for insects, both the big ones and the small!
They’re in the dirt, they’re in the air, they’re climbing up the wall!
The beetles and mosquitoes, all the roaches, ants and bees
The grasshoppers and silverfish, the pests that eat the trees
The butterflies and katydids, the spittlebugs and fleas
They’re part of the circle of life—like you and me!

Copyright 2016 by Christopher Kent—All rights reserved.